Future Learning Spaces (fuels) erleben
Workshop am 26. Februar an der TU Darmstadt im Rahmen der VR/AR-Learning Days 2025
Lernen Sie „Future Learning Spaces“ (fuels) der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, der TU Darmstadt und der Hochschule Darmstadt kennen!
Einblicke und Ausblicke: Der neue Masterbericht der Alumnibefragung
Wie blicken die Masteralumni der TU Darmstadt auf ihr absolviertes Studium zurück? Auf welche Weise verläuft ihr Eintritt ins Berufsleben und wie bewerten die ehemaligen Studierenden ihre aktuelle Erwerbsposition?
Einladung zum E-Learning Stammtisch am 29.01.2025 (15 – 16 Uhr)
Thema: Mit Particify (Lehr)Veranstaltungen interaktiv gestalten
Wir laden recht herzlich alle Interessierten zum nächsten E-Learning Stammtisch ein! Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch zum Thema „Mit Particify (Lehr)Veranstaltungen interaktiv gestalten“
Learning II – Develop your learning process
Benefit from the new online workshop format!
Do you know which strategies you can use when learning? Great! Now it's time to consciously manage and develop your learning process. In this workshop, we will focus on methods that will accompany you throughout the semester and find out together when you are most productive.
Learning III – Find your setting
Benefit from the new online workshop format!
An important step towards successful study is the optimal learning environment. In this workshop, you will learn how to use your resources effectively and create a setting that supports your learning in the best possible way. You will learn how to manage your time optimally and create an environment that increases your productivity and at the same time allows you to achieve a good study-life balance.
Learning I – Discover your strategy
Benefit from the new online workshop format!
Studying can sometimes be challenging – but the key to success lies in the right approach to learning. The first step to successful learning therefore begins with the right strategy. In this workshop, you will learn how to use learning strategies in a targeted way and adapt them to your individual needs. You will discover methods to process information better, visualize learning content and learn more efficiently.
AI Forum für Studierende und Lehrende 2025
Mittwoch, 12.03.2025, 13:00–15:30 Uhr digital
Im ersten Teil der stellen Expert*innen Ihre Lehrkonzepte und Erfahrungen mit der KI-Nutzung vor. Im zweiten Teil bietet sich Raum für fachübergreifenden Austausch zu Chancen und Risiken der KI-Integration in Studium und Lehre.
Now online: TU Student Survey 2025 questionnaire
The next TU student survey will be carried out in the summer semester of 2025.
Mental Resonance – a Practical Method for Mental Strength
Workshop for Employees
Workshop Wirkungsevaluation
Wie lässt sich die Wirkung von Projekten messen?
QuiS-Tagung 2024 in Wetzlar
End of semester meeting for tutors
Casual discussion for all interested tutors
Topics: How was the semester for me and my participants? What do I take away from this activity for myself?
Einladung zum E-Learning Stammtisch am 05.12.2024 (15 – 16:30 Uhr)
Thema: Potentiale von 360°-Technologie für Online Self-Assessments (OSA)
Wir laden recht herzlich alle Interessierten zum nächsten E-Learning Stammtisch ein! Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch zum Thema „Potentiale von 360°-Technologie für Online Self-Assessments (OSA)“
TiSK: Learning to learn – how does it work? – 05.11.2024 and 19.11.2024
A Training in Key Skills: Presence Training
Secure your spot now to take advantage of this workshop!
Our training courses in key skills are online!
Secure your spot now to take advantage of the workshops!
TiSK: Prep Your Exam – 18.12.2024
A Training in Key Skills: Presence Training
Secure your spot now to take advantage of this workshop!
Dropout Survey at TU Darmstadt
In the winter semester 2024/25, the Evaluation Unit will conduct a central dropout survey for the first time. Former students who discontinued their studies at TU Darmstadt and left the university between October 2022 and September 2023 will be included in the survey.
Invitation to the E-Learning Roundtable on 29 October (3 – 4 pm)
Topic: TocoAI – app for more AI literacy
We would like to warmly invite everyone who is interested to our next E-Learning roundtable! We look forward to the exchange on the topic ‘TocoAI – app for more AI literacy’.
Tutor Midsemester Meeting
Casual discussion for all interested tutors
Topics at the Midsemester Meeting: How is my semester going so far? What am I doing well? Where is there still room for improvement? Where could I still use support? What tips can I give to others?
From overhead to mentimeter: Design your tutorial with multimedia elements
Make your tutorial interesting and varied by using different media! Our practical module “From overhead to mentimeter: Design your tutorial with multimedia elements” offers you the opportunity to find out how you can use analog and digital media in a varied way and tailor them to your learning objectives.
Consultation hours for tutors
Individual appointment on request
Are you a tutor and have a request that you would like to discuss? Then you've come to the right place!