The Center for Educational Development and Technology (HDA) comprises the four units Digital Teaching and Learning, Evaluation, University Teaching and Learning Development as well as Key Skills. The units are completed by the team Inspiration and Transformation. You will find the HDA staff at two locations on the campus Stattmitte.

Learn more about the profile of HDA



Photo Name Contact
Dipl.-Soz. Tobias Blank
Director of Center for Educational Development and Technology
+49 6151 16-76661
S1|03 71
Dr. Andrea Dirsch-Weigand
Deputy Director of Center for Educational Development and Technology
+49 6151 16-76650
S1|03 71


Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Marija Dany
Human Resources Management, Contract management (incl. student assistants), Financial Management & Controlling
+49 6151 16-76660
S1|03 154
Farhat Nasir
Human Resources Management, Contract management (incl. student assistants), Financial Management & Controlling
+49 6151 16-76660
S1|03 154

Topics that connect

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Diversity in Studying & Teaching
Lea Belz M.A.
Workshops, Counselling, Encouraging intra- and inter-university networking and cooperation
S1|03 70
Lea Sahm M.Sc.
+49 6151 16-76667
S1|03 72
Wellbeing and Health in Studying & Teaching
Dipl.-Päd. Diana Seyfarth
Workshops, Counselling, Mental coaching
+49 6151 16-76667
S1|03 72
Viktoria Rostek 1.St.Ex.
+49 6151 16-76620
S103 70

Digital Teaching and Learning

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Unit
Dipl.-Päd. Christian Hoppe
Head of Unit "Digital Teaching and Learning", Coordination E-Learning Group, Projects, Counselling & Qualification
+49 6151 16-76681
S1|10 352
Staff of the Unit
Britta Althaus B.A.
Media Design, HessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts
+49 6151 16-76682
S1|10 357
Alexander Ast M.A.
Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76626
S1|10 355
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anne Bieberstein
Counselling & Qualification, Communications (Web & Blog)
+49 6151 16-76653
S1|10 357
Leon Camus M.Sc.
, Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76648
S1|10 354
Marcella Haller M.A.
Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76625
S1|10 355
Dipl.-Soz. Felix Heinemann
Workdays: Monday and Thursday
Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Recording Service, Panopto
+49 6151 16-76654
S1|10 356
Felix Hoch B.A.
Online Self Assessments (OSA)
+49 6151 16-76647
S1|10 353
Thomas Lüdecke M.Sc.
E-Assessment (HessenHub Project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76670
S1|10 354
Julian Prommer M.Sc.
E-Assessment (HessenHub Project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76645
S1|10 354
Mostafa Tabatabaei M.A.
Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Recording Service
+49 6151 16-76623
S1|10 356
Dipl.-Soz. Päd. Markus Weber
HessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts, Project Future Learning Spaces (FueLS)
+49 6151 16-76652
S1|10 353


Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Unit
Dr. Bärbel Könekamp
Head of Unit "Evaluation", Coordination for Surveys ,
+49 6151 16-76664
S1|03 153
Staff of the Unit
Corinna Brendel M.A.
Übersetzung AG 1
+49 6151 16-76632
S1|03 153
Yvonne Kirschner M.Sc.
Course Evaluation Department 1/2/3/7/11/13/16, Data Management & Reporting,
+49 6151 16-76674
S1|03 160
Silke Köhler M.A.
Course Evaluation Department 4/5/10/15/18/20, Application support and counselling
+49 6151 16-76675
S1|03 160
Sofie Passmann M.A.
+49 6151 16-76649
S1|03 157
Dr. Sandra Rieger
Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16- 76673
S1|03 157
Dipl.-Soz. Gabriele Schill
Graduate Survey
+49 6151 16- 76665
S1|03 157
Barbara Senft M.A.
Graduate Survey
+49 6151 16-76672
S1|03 157

University Teaching and Learning Development"

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Unit
Dr. Annette Glathe
Head of Unit "University Teaching and Learning Development"
+49 6151 16-76668
S1|03 156
Staff of the Unit
Dr. Christiane Brockmann
Subject-specific didactic qualification and counselling for engineering academics
+49 6151 16-76630
S1|03 71
Manuela Del Boca
Mon - Thu mornings
Team Assistant
+49 6151 16-76659
S1|03 159
Nici Herzog M. Sc. Psych.
Coordinator of Training Program, Workshops
+49 6151 16-76651
S1|03 159
PD Dr. Ulrike Homann
Subject-specific didactic workshops and counselling for natural scientists
S1|03 162
Benedikt Pielenz M.A.
, , Multimediale Selbstlerneinheiten (MuSe)
+49 6151 16-76634
S1|03 162
Dr. Stefan Scheiner
Coordinator of the Higher Education Teaching Certificate Program, Lernräume an der Universität kollaborativ entwickeln (LUKE)
+49 6151 16-76669
S1|03 156

Key Skills

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Unit
Dipl.-Kffr. Christiane Reese
Head of Unit "Key Skills", Conception of New Projects
+49 6151 16-76677
S1|03 170
Staff of the Unit
Dr. Maria Clippard
Deputy Head of Unit "Key Skills", Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16-76671
S1|03 170
Dipl.-Psych. Marion Eger
Trainings in Key Competences
+49 6151 16-76676
S1|03 155 b
Verena Heger 2. StaEx.
Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16-76655
S1|03 171a
Marianne Herzberger-Nikibauer M.A.
Training for Team and Project Facilitators, International and Interdisciplinary Project Courses
+49 6151 16-76643
S1|03 174
Anna Honnef M.A.
Training for Team Facilitators, International and Interdisciplinary Project Courses, Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16-76644
S1|03 174
Polly Oberman M.A.
Multimedia self-study for students
+49 6151 16-76622
S1|03 171a
Dr. Sandra Rieger
Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16- 76663
S1|03 171a
Dipl.-Päd. Susanne Schahn
Training for Team Facilitators, international and interdisciplinary study projects, Tutorial teaching and Tutor qualification
+49 6151 16-76642
S1|03 171
Christine Winter M. A.
Training for Team Facilitators, International and Interdisciplinary Project Courses
+49 6151 16-76662
S1|03 174
Picture: Nikolaus Heiss

Locations & Addresses

The Center for Educational Development and Technology is located at the Campus Stadtmitte of the TU Darmstadt in the building sections 'S1|03' and 'S1|10'. The postal address is: Hochschulstraße 1, 64289 Darmstadt.

Map of Campus Stadtmitte (city centre)