We offer advice and short workshops on field-tested and scientifically based techniques that your students, your teachers or your team can use to promote or maintain their mental strength and emotional balance themselves, by means of possible workshops and under guidance:
- we advise the members of your faculty which methods from the toolbox are the most suitable in each case.
- we enable you to directly experience the effect of individual methods, such as the mental resonance method, which can be used to release emotional blockages such as exam anxiety, etc.
- we advise you which workshops can be particularly effective.
On request we offer short workshops for individual institutes or groups on the topics: Mentally strong through the day, Mentally strong for graduation, Mentally strong in teaching, Mental resonance – a practical method to promote your mental strength, and many more.
Workshop topics can be customized depending on the target audience and desired focus.
If you are interested, please write to: resonanz@hda.tu-…