With the introduction of Bachelor's degree programs, some student mentoring programs have also emerged at the TU Darmstadt. For this reason, the Center for Educational Development and Technology (HDA) initiated an exchange meeting of those responsible for student mentoring programs in 2009. At that meeting, contact persons from five different programs were present. From this meeting, the Mentoring Circle was formed, which today includes more than 30 participants from about 20 mentoring programs at the TU Darmstadt. Guests and interested parties are also always invited to the meetings. Invited guests and other interested parties contribute to the constructive exchange and further development of the many mentoring programs.

Exchange in the Mentoring Circle

The Mentoring Circle meets once a semester. The goal of the topic-centered exchange is to learn from each other in the sense of continuous improvement and further development of the programs. Often (normally with the background of a central theme) a program of a department or study area or a central institution is presented and discussed. In addition, there are topics, such as the evaluation of the programs or their curricular anchoring, which are discussed together in the circle.

The meetings take place once a semester. Interested persons are welcome and should contact .