The HDA in Interdisciplinary Study Projects

Interdisciplinary study projects are a profile feature of the TU Darmstadt. In these projects, students can develop their own subject identity from the very first semesters and at the same time practice working together with fellow students from other subjects, languages and cultures.

together with fellow students from other subjects, languages and cultures.

Interdisciplinary study projects have a long tradition at the TU Darmstadt, which is particularly associated with the KI2VA project from 2011 to 2020.

To enable you to carry out or initiate interdisciplinary study projects beyond 2020, the TU Darmstadt provides you with support in two forms via the Center for Educational Development and Technology (HDA) (HDA):

  • Personnel funds from an internal promotion fund, which the HDA management administers in trust.
  • Didactic advice, support and qualification by the HDA's Key Competencies workspace.

Whether climate change, upheaval of political orders, digitalization, demographic change, globalization, mobility, security and health - interdisciplinarity is highly topical and affects all major social issues. Enable your students to engage in interdisciplinary teamwork as part of their studies.

AB Key Skills

Our Didactical Support

Are you interested in carrying out an interdisciplinary (and international) study project?

We are happy to advise and accompany you, in particular on:


  • Initiation of project cooperation
  • Cooperation with project partners in the working group
  • Composition of student project teams
  • Concept
  • Development of an interdisciplinary task
  • Preparation of the task for student teams
  • Testing of the task in a simulation or task test
  • Planning of the process-oriented flow of the study project

Didactic implementation

  • Planning the supervision of student project teams in line with the interdisciplinary teaching format
  • Qualification and instruction of tutors for use in interdisciplinary study projects
  • Supervision of tutors in their work through practical advice and exchange meetings

We have didactic know-how and experience from more than 10 years of interdisciplinary cooperation with more than 60 interdisciplinary study projects at almost all departments of the TU Darmstadt.

AB Key Competencies

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Foto Christiane Reese
Picture: HDA
Dipl.-Kffr. Christiane ReeseHead of Unit "Key Skills", Conception of New Projects
+49 6151 16-76677
S1|03 170

Currently a total of six study projects at TU Darmstadt will be converted into interdisciplinary teaching / learning events. This will be in cooperation with the HDA and is mainly for students in their bachelor semester. This will help to develop subject and key skills of approximately 600 students, in approximately 70 project teams.

The “Interdisciplinary Project” is offered every semester as an elective subject to students of the Law and Economics Department. This will be in partnership with the Institute of Sociology and Political Science of the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculties. Overall, every year approximately 60 students will work for a week to find a solution for socially relevant tasks. (click here to learn more)

Tasks from the last project:

  • “Get out the Vote” – Increase voter turnout in Darmstadt through the conception of a target group orientated and politically neutral campaign in selected parts of the city.
  • “Barrier Free Shopping” – Improving on the shopping experience for the physically or mentaly disabled populous with the help of “frame method Design Thinking”
  • “I Share, I Care” – Development of a safety concept for shared products such as E-scooters, while taking into account sociological models to deal with potential vandalism. This concept will be developed with the “Design thinking framework method”.

The international project was organized under the leadership of the Biology Department and carried out together with partners from Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering. Here, about 60 international students and TU-internal students, who are at different stages in their studies, work together. For the year 2023, the project acts as a template for the International Summer University and will be integrated there.(learn more)

Tasks from recent projects:

  • Extraterrestrial Farmacy: enabling sustainable nutrition and ensuring adequate nutritional supplementation for the crew of a two-year mission to Mars.
  • Interstellar Farmacy: developing a bioreactor for a Mars mission.

Approximately 100 undergraduate students participate each winter semester in the interdisciplinary project, which is offered under the leadership of the Department of Biology in collaboration with the Department of Sociology. (learn more)

Tasks from recent projects:

  • Ecocity Darmstadt: Development of sustainability concepts for the reduction of CO2 using the example of a key area and taking into account the acceptance of Darmstadt citizens and the effects on biodiversity.

At the Department of Mechanical Engineering, it is a tradition in the emb (Introduction to Mechanical Engineering) to have all students of the first semester work together with students of other subjects on an interdisciplinary and open-solution task within one week in the winter semester. Various partner departments have already been part of this teaching/learning event, such as currently Mathematics. (learn more)

Tasks from recent projects:

  • Baking experience/outcome: development and marketing of a system for baking bread in private household kitchens that is as inexpensive, user-friendly and sustainable as possible, with a focus on thermodynamic functioning.

The Department of Architecture has developed an interdisciplinary study project in which students of architecture work together with students from the partner subjects of mathematics, physics, history, and linguistics and literary studies as early as the second semester of their studies. Every year, approximately 160-250 students work together in teams for one week on an interdisciplinary task and present their results to a jury of experts and their fellow students. (learn more)

Tasks from recent projects:

  • “territorio Darmstadt [plus]”: Development of a collage based on the model of the cittá analoga by means of a Darmstadt district and under representation of the simultaneity of past and present.
Ein Mann übergibt den Athene Preis an einen anderen Mann
Picture: Gregor Rynkowski

Award for INSPIRED

We are pleased to receive the Athene Special Award for Interdisciplinary Teaching of the Year 2021 for the diverse virtual interdisciplinary and international study project INSPIRED.

Learn more