Embedding the TU Student Survey
The TU Student Survey focuses on the development of study programmes.
The TU Student Survey provides information from the student perspective, on the basis of which study programmes can be further developed in a targeted manner. The survey, which was developed by the university, asks students about their assessments of study programmes, study conditions and learning experiences during their studies.
The results are combined with other data and used for the development of study programmes within the framework of institutional evaluation as well as for university strategic decisions.
The TU Student Survey takes place every two years in the summer semester. All students of the TU Darmstadt (Bachelor, Master, Teaching degrees) are invited to participate in the survey.
Themenblock | beinhaltet Fragen zu |
Soziodemographische Daten | Alter, Geschlecht, Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, Staatsangehörigkeit, Berufsausbildung, etc. |
Informationen zum Studium | Angestrebter Studienabschluss, Fach- oder Studienbereich, Studiengang, Fachsemester, Hochschulsemester |
Eingangsvoraussetzungen | Bisheriger Bildungsverlauf und Abschlüsse, Informiertheit vor Aufnahme des Studiums etc. |
Lebenssituation | Betreuung von Kindern oder Pflege von Angehörigen, Erwerbstätigkeit |
Studienbedingungen & Studierbarkeit | Nutzung und Bewertung von Angeboten zu Studienbeginn, von Beratungs- und Serviceeinrichtungen, Infrastruktur, Auslandsmobilität, Studiengangstruktur und Modulgestaltung, Studien- und Prüfungsorganisation, Lehrqualität, Interdisziplinarität, Praxis- und Forschungsbezug, Interdisziplinarität, Angebote in englischer Sprache, Studienanforderungen |
Digitale Lehre | Bewertung eingesetzter E-Learning-Angebote, Zufriedenheit mit digitalen Lehrveranstaltungen und der Erreichbarkeit von Lehrenden |
Studierverhalten | Kenntnis Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen, zeitlicher Verzug des Studiums, Stellenwert des Studiums, Studienmotivation & Lernerfahrungen im Studium |
Studienerfolg | Studienzufriedenheit, Entsprechung von Studienerwartungen und -erfahrungen, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Studienabbruchintention, Übergang Bachelor/Master |
Benefit from your own questions in the TU Student Survey!
Did you know that you can individualise the TU Student Survey specifically for your subject or study area? Up to 10 of your own questions can be included, which will be developed together with the HDA.
We will be happy to get in touch with you!
Why should I take part in the survey?
Take the opportunity to give your feedback on the study situation and the development potential of your degree programme and the service facilities. The larger and broader the participation across all degree programmes is, the more representative the statements that can be made based on the results will be. These results are used at the TU Darmstadt to further develop studying and teaching and to improve the study conditions.
Participation in the survey gives you the opportunity to express your opinion on the topics asked for. Free-text information will also be made available to the departments and study areas in anonymised reports.
Every voice counts.
Analyses can only be prepared for degree programmes in which a sufficient number of students have participated. Therefore, every single completed questionnaire is really important!
After each survey, the departments and study areas are provided with result reports with evaluations of the individual study programmes. The results then influence the quality assurance processes and thus improve studies, teaching and the general study conditions.