Helping to shape study conditions

Every two years, the TU conducts a survey of all students on their study conditions. The feedback is an important component in further improving the conditions for successful study. The Presidential Board and the departments use the results for quality assurance of the study programmes and for decisions on higher education strategy.

Anonymisation of survey data

Survey data that could lead to the de-anonymisation of individuals will be removed before the survey results are published or passed on.

If you as student have experienced that the culture of respect and fairness at TU Darmstadt has been violated, please contact the respective points of contact for confidential support.

The TU Student Survey - a brief description

Every two years in the summer semester, all students of the TU Darmstadt (Bachelor, Master and Teaching degrees) have the opportunity to participate in the TU Student Survey.

The findings on the functionality of study programmes and general study conditions contribute to the further development of study programmes.

The last TU Student Survey took place in the summer semester of 2021. The central results are available in the university-wide results report (in German) (opens in new tab) .

Further information on TU Student Survey