TiSK:Talking to each other and not offending anyone – is that possible?

A Training in Key Skills: Presence Training

2024/05/08 09:50-11:30

Secure your spot now to take advantage of this workshop!

Do you sometimes feel confused and overwhelmed by the language around gender diversity?

Sure, we don't want to make mistakes and, in the worst case, hurt people, but this uncertainty sometimes inhibits a conversation and leads to “speechlessness” rather than an exchange. We want to change that together.v

What to expect:

  • You will learn what is behind the current common terms in the field of sexual and gender diversity and develop an understanding of their use.
  • You will realize that we all make mistakes and that it is possible to talk about them.
  • You will learn how to get back to the point and show appreciation even in heated diversity and gender debates.

Why you should attend:

Here you have the opportunity to have fun discussing diverse and controversial issues, try things out and perhaps even take home new insights.

Target audience:

Students of all disciplines and from all semesters.

Information: This training takes place in German and in presence.

Register now!