TiSK: Calmness for everyday university life

A Training in Key Skills: Presence Training

2024/05/02 09:50-11:30

Secure your spot now to take advantage of this workshop!

You know how it is: sometimes everything goes according to plan and you're amazed at how much you've managed to get done and organized.

And sometimes everything seems to be jinxed: tasks turn out to be much more complex than expected, deadlines are approaching by leaps and bounds, forgotten todos suddenly fall on your feet, new requests pile up and a cold is on the way.

What do you do now? Get to know yourself even better and find your individual and unique method for recognizing stress and facing the daily challenges calmly.

What to expect:

  • You will learn which factors play a role in the development of stress and how stress can affect you.
  • You will recognize your personal stress signals and can use them as a warning in the future.
  • You will get to know and try out various “coping strategies” for actively dealing with stress.

Why you should attend:

According to the motto: “Danger recognized – danger averted”, you will be given the tools to counter your stressors with effective methods.

Target audience:

Students of all disciplines and from all semesters.

Information: This training takes place in German and in presence.

Register now!