Teaching for Sustainable Development – from Theory into Practice
The 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Agenda 2030 are mandatory for our society to address. But how can our education today prepare students for the challenges they will be faced with in the future?
Sustainability challenges are intrinsically complex and are associated with conflicting values and perspectives. In this course, we will address those challenges in the context of modern higher education, in order to assist teaching staff at the university to address sustainability in their courses.

Learning outcomes: The participants will be able to…
  • reflect on why and how a sustainability perspective should or could be integrated in their domain of teaching,
  • identify strategies for integrating a sustainability perspective in their courses,
  • design and evaluate appropriate learning activities and assessment methods for sustainability.
  • Motivate on why sustainability is imperative to teach in higher education
  • Strategies for how sustainability can be integrated in education, on programme level as well as course level
  • Key competences for sustainability
  • Designing learning activities and assessment for sustainability education
  • Inspirational tips on how sustainability has been introduced at other universities
Preparation and further information:
A basic understanding of the concept of sustainable development is recommended. There is non-mandatory training material offered as a preparatory self-study unit, for participants to go through before the training.
Furthermore, there will be self-studying units after every face-to-face session (including individual feedback).
Target group: All teaching staff
Max. participants: 14
Trainer: Jon-Erik Dahlin (Snowflake Education)
Date: Wednesday, April 5th 2023
Wednesday, April 19th 2023
Time: 9 am – 1 pm
Place: Online + self-study units
Recognition: 16 AE, Teaching & Learning