HDA - Evaluation
Since 2008, the Center for Educational Development and Technology (HDA) has been carrying out an annual Alumni Survey. The former students of the TU Darmstadt evaluate their studies retrospectively and provide information about their further careers. This data is a central component for the quality development of study and teaching. Additionally, it is an important source of information for prospective and current students.
Each winter semester, the alumni of a graduation year are invited to take part in the survey. All graduates with a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, teaching degree and doctorate are surveyed.
The Alumni Survey is commissioned by Prof. Dr. Heribert Warzecha, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Diversity. It is carried out by the HDA as part of the nationwide and is coordinated by the Graduate Survey Cooperation Project (KOAB). Institute for Applied Statistics (ISTAT)
Since winter semester 2022/23, the TU Darmstadt Alumni Survey is integrated into the commissioned by the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts. The implementation takes place within the KOAB framework. Hesse-wide Graduate Survey
The studies were indispensable for me and I developed a different way of thinking. In addition to all the theoretical knowledge (...) I learned to approach problems more logically, to look at everything more critically.
Alumni M.Sc. Computer Science