Further Personal Development with the Help of Training

The HDA offers you as a student of TU Darmstadt the opportunity to take part in workshops to deepen your understanding and develop key skills with study techniques. The (online) key skills workshops offer you the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills on study techniques and to develop them productively in exchange with each other. The workshop covers topics such as learning and thinking strategies, time and self management at university, exam preparation, design thinking as well as agile project management. The training will be led by staff and qualified student trainers of the HDA.

Once you have become a team tutor and have gained some experience over a few projects, you can further specialize to become a trainer in key skills (TISK). Does the concept of agile work, moderation or time management at university interest you? Do you want to impart these skills to your fellow students? If this interests you, we encourage you to undertake this course, so that you can acquire the skills to design a TISK training, followed by rolling it out for other students.

To start you off you will participate in a three day course for training conception. This course is offered semi-annual. In the process of creating your training you will also be supported with two conception conversations. Your training will be followed up with an observation and feedback conversation.

For more information regarding this offer, please contact to set up an interview. You are welcome to bring topic suggestions to the interview. In addition to further training, we suggest attending TISK training. The topics and dates can be found here . The trainings are free for registered students.