Qualification Registration for Tutors

On this page you can register for the different tutor and mentor qualifications that we offer. Please select the training days that you would like to take part in, followed by the submission of the registration form. You will receive confirmation and registration status in the next few days. Usually our qualifications are held in german language. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in attending a qualification in english.

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The new Skills Portal is here!

The training Tell A Story is part of the new Skills Portal of TU Darmstadt. If you would like to register for this, you can do so here.

Register here.

Qualification Registration for tutor, orientation week tutor and mentor

Information for registration

  • As a rule, minimum and maximum numbers of participants apply to the offers (minimum corresponds to 4 participants, maximum corresponds to 14 participants).
  • If the number of participants falls below the minimum, the offer will be cancelled before the date.
  • If the number of participants is exceeded, a waiting list will be created. In this case, participants will receive a binding confirmation or cancellation no later than 5 days before the date.
  • Registrations will be considered according to the order of their arrival.
  • All offers are free of charge for student tutors of the TU Darmstadt. Upon successful participation, you will receive a certificate of participation.
  • Deadline for registration is 5 days before the date of the offer.
  • We reserve the right to cancel offers at short notice for valid reasons (e.g. illness of the training manager).