The new Skills Portal is here!
The training Tell A Story is part of the new Skills Portal of TU Darmstadt. If you would like to register for this, you can do so here.
Register here.
Information for registration
- As a rule, minimum and maximum numbers of participants apply to the offers (minimum corresponds to 4 participants, maximum corresponds to 14 participants).
- If the number of participants falls below the minimum, the offer will be cancelled before the date.
- If the number of participants is exceeded, a waiting list will be created. In this case, participants will receive a binding confirmation or cancellation no later than 5 days before the date.
- Registrations will be considered according to the order of their arrival.
- All offers are free of charge for student tutors of the TU Darmstadt. Upon successful participation, you will receive a certificate of participation.
- Deadline for registration is 5 days before the date of the offer.
- We reserve the right to cancel offers at short notice for valid reasons (e.g. illness of the training manager).