Teaching for Sustainable Development – from Theory into Practice
In this training, you will be acquainted with challenges and well-proven methods for teaching sustainable development in higher education. Sustainability challenges are intrinsically complex and associated with conflicting values and perspectives. One set of teaching methods that has proven to be especially useful in this context, is the concept of experiential learning.

During this training, you will see several examples of experiential leaning, eg. educational board games, simulation games, roleplays and other modes of active learning. You will also see examples of how those methods have successfully been combined with a flipped classroom approach. You will have the opportunity to focus on how you could implement teaching for sustainable development in your own classes, and in particular how you could train your students in key competences for sustainability using experiential learning.

Learning outcomes: The participants will be able to…
  • reflect on why and how a sustainability perspective should or could be integrated in their domain of teaching,
  • identify strategies for integrating a sustainability perspective in their courses,
  • design and evaluate appropriate learning activities and assessment methods for sustainability.

  • Key competences for sustainability and experiential learning of them using educational games
  • Frameworks for teaching sustainable development in any course/ module and disciplinary context and Strategies for how sustainability can be integrated
  • Designing learning activities and assessment for sustainability education
  • Inspirational tips on how sustainability has been introduced at other universities

Preparation and further information:
A basic understanding of the concept of sustainable development is recommended (non-mandatory, preparatory training material is offered, if you feel like you need a brush-up). The workshop includes self-studying units after every face-to-face session.
Target group: All teaching staff
Max. participants: 14
Trainer: Jon-Erik Dahlin (Snowflake Education)
Date: Thu, April 23rd, 2024, 9 am–3 pm
Thu, May 7th, 2024, 9 am–12 pm
+ self study acitivities
Place: Online
Recognition: 16 AE, Teaching & Learning