Teachers need feedback
To further develop a course or to assess their own teaching competence, teachers need your direct feedback.
As experts on the learning process within a course you have attended, you can tell teachers what worked well for you, what you felt was missing and what you would like to see in future visitors to this course.
In most departments, the course evaluation is carried out in a time window of two weeks. Via a link, a QR code or in other ways, the lecturers will inform you of the access to the evaluation form – at best this happens in the course, or it can also happen via moodle, e-mail, system message or by other means.
Notes on data protection
Participation in the course evaluation is voluntary.
All data entered in the questionnaires are summarised in the form of a report for the teachers. It is therefore not possible for teachers to link individual evaluations, e.g. with certain free text comments.
Courses in which fewer than 6 people took part in the evaluation are not evaluated. In the case of 6-9 participants in the evaluation, personal details such as gender, subject and degree are removed from the results report.
Anonymisation of survey data
Survey data that could lead to the de-anonymisation of individuals will be removed before the survey results are published or passed on.
If you as a graduate or student have experienced that the culture of respect and fairness at TU Darmstadt has been violated, please contact the respective for confidential support. points of contact