The Alumni Survey in figures

Key survey results of the Master alumni

This page presents key results of the survey of the Master alumni in the winter semester 2023/24. The former students provided information about their professional situation about one and a half years after graduation, as well as their retrospective assessment of their degree programme.

The data of the total of 601 answered questionnaires of the Master alumni (M.A./M.Sc.) were summarised in the following three subject groups of the TU Darmstadt: Engineering (439 cases), Natural Sciences (104 cases) and Humanities and Social Sciences (58 cases).

Doctoral quota

Almost a quarter (24%) of all Master alumni state they are pursuing a doctorate. Among those with a Natural Sciences degree, this is one in two (49%). Among Engineering graduates, the rate is 19%, and among graduates of the Humanities and Social Sciences it is 12%.

Professional sector

Of the Master alumni who entered the labour market directly, the majority with Engineering (87%) and Natural Sciences degrees (75%) work in the private sector. The public sector employs 12% and 23% respectively.

The picture is different for graduates of the Humanities and Social Sciences: The majority of this group (53%) also works in the private sector, but significantly more have chosen to work in the public sector (38%) or in a non-profit organisation (9%).

The question about general job satisfaction of the Master alumni who have completed their academic education and entered the labour market directly, shows a positive result: Over three quarters of all respondents (78%) report a (very) high level of satisfaction with their current job. A small proportion (7%) is (very) dissatisfied with their professional situation overall.

Graduates of the Natural Sciences are at 73% and graduates of the Humanities and Social Sciences are at 70% (very) satisfied with their professional situation. Engineering graduates show the highest level of job satisfaction (80%).

The vast majority (78%) of all Master alumni surveyed state being (very) satisfied with their completed studies. 14% take a middle position and 8% report dissatisfaction with their studies.

The study satisfaction of Engineering and Natural Sciences graduates is on a par at 78%. A slightly lower, but still high level of satisfaction is found among graduates of the Humanities and Social Sciences (73%).

Faced with the choice again, would the Master alumni choose the same degree programme and the same higher education institution?

Around three quarters of all Master alumni give positive feedback on this: 73% would (very) probably choose the same degree programme again and 76% would choose the TU Darmstadt again. Looking at the level of the three subject groups shows similar patterns for Engineering and Natural Sciences alumni. Among graduates of the Humanities and Social Sciences, the positive approval is around two thirds.

Reselection of the same degree programme




Reselection of the TU Darmstadt




Would you like to know more?

Then take a look at the Master report (opens in new tab) of the survey in the winter semester 2021/22!

The assessments of the Bachelor alumni of their studies and their transition to a Master's programme, as well as information about their professional activities can be found in the Bachelor report (opens in new tab) of the survey in the winter semester 2021/22.