Team & Responsibilities

Find the right contact person in our team!

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Unit
Dipl.-Päd. Christian Hoppe
Head of Unit "Digital Teaching and Learning", Coordination E-Learning Group, Projects, Counselling & Qualification
+49 6151 16-76681
S1|10 352
Staff of the Unit
Britta Althaus B.A.
Media Design, HessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts
+49 6151 16-76682
S1|10 357
Alexander Ast M.A.
Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76626
S1|10 355
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anne Bieberstein
Counselling & Qualification, Communications (Web & Blog)
+49 6151 16-76653
S1|10 357
Leon Camus M.Sc.
, Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76648
S1|10 354
Marcella Haller M.A.
Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76625
S1|10 355
Dipl.-Soz. Felix Heinemann
Workdays: Monday and Thursday
Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Recording Service, Panopto
+49 6151 16-76654
S1|10 356
Felix Hoch B.A.
Online Self Assessments (OSA)
+49 6151 16-76647
S1|10 353
Thomas Lüdecke M.Sc.
E-Assessment (HessenHub Project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76670
S1|10 354
Julian Prommer M.Sc.
E-Assessment (HessenHub Project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76645
S1|10 354
Mostafa Tabatabaei M.A.
Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Recording Service
+49 6151 16-76623
S1|10 356
Dipl.-Soz. Päd. Markus Weber
HessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts, Project Future Learning Spaces (FueLS)
+49 6151 16-76652
S1|10 353

We work closely together with colleagues from the University Computing Centre (HRZ). – Together we form the team of the E-Learning group at the TU Darmstadt.